Saturday, May 05, 2007

And its over man...

Maternity leave for me is officially over as of Monday... i hate the idea of going back to work. Mainly because I have serious case of separation anxiety when it comes to my daughter. But really it makes no sense for me to go back to work. I have been railroaded to the point where at any time they can fire me with no real means. I have been made to look like an inadequate employee by my boss who used me as a scape goat for some issues my department had. Now when I enter that building my mind will be else where. But I have something or their asses anyway. I fully intend on going back and being on my grind. No socializing, no frequent trips away from my desk, no days off. Just going to work until they fire me or until they let us all go in october which ever comes first.

I hate that I have that to look forward to. but my child has to eat and have shelter...


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