Just my thoughts...
We all have been glued to the TV screens for the past two weeks, but have you figured out what the fighting in Lebanon and Isreal is all about?
Well from what I gather its a problem that goes back to the times of Christ. I've studied this before in school, but a lesson learned in real time always lasts...
Jeruselem, undoubtedly the most sacred city in three religions... Islam, Judaism and Christianity. All three religions have been raging war to gain the right to call this city their own... becoming martyrs for their religion...
Arab/Islamic countries simply want Isreal wiped off the face of the earth. Not only the country, but it's people as well. All because they believe Isreal and its people have taken land to form their country( became a country in the 1940's), but according to the Koran and all the Islamic teaching the land does not belong to the Christians or the Jews. But the Jewish people have their own claim to the monuments/shrines. So it is a battle that will never be won under any circumstances. Because just when on religion fight s and defeats another religion, there is still one more to go.
My question is: If the governments of these countries know that Hezballah and Hamas are terrorists who are only looking out for those who share the same ignorance... how then does the government allow more than 10 of its Parliament seats go to these terror groups? Where the hell did that make sense...
The fighting is unfortunate, the casualities are a dire reality. But Amerikkka has its own agenda concerning the outcome of this recent fight. Our economy is reliant on goods and services provided by these people. And Bush being an oil man, has a personal agenda that no one seems to be addressing. Instead the media refers to it as the "US's democratic agena" or "US's diplomatic agenda"... Bullshit... The only agenda is oil...
Condoleeza has made her way into the region... like that will make a difference... She is a fiugre head for GW's ignorance... The few times her voice has been her voice, it had reason and due thought. But lately she has been disappointing me with her repeated rhetoric, it sounds very rehearsed and very GW-like.
OK I'm done for now....
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