Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I hate corporate Amerikkka... with a passion. I can understna d why people go to jail dealing with this bullsit. The more and more I stay at my job, the more and more I can understand why people come into the office with loaded weapons. I hate coming here, I hate staying here all day, I hate the mundane work I do, I hate the fact that I'm thinking that I should just show up and do nothing all day, I hate that my efficientcy is seen as irritating, i hate that I don't get paid enough for thr work I do, I hate that there is no praise for meeting all targets and deadlinesand superceding those targets and deadlines month in and month out, I hate that the dribble of compensation/commission gets taken in taxes anyway so I don't miss it, I hate the coddling that occurs with tenured workers, I hate the scatch my back I'll scratch yours attitude these people have, I hate the blind eye to lack of intergrity, I hate the rules that are put in place for all to follow and the minute you adhere to the rules you aren't willing to bend, I hate that work gets escalated and then doesn't get done...

See right now I'm stuck... my plans to leave have been sidelined... I have more than one mouth to feed, and the benefits aren't half bad... ONLY STAYING UNTIL I CAN FIND BETTER!!!!!!!


Blogger Sweet KeiKei said...

i hear u! been where u r for quite some time now...just sick and tired of all the bullshit that goes on in coporate america but then again tired of all the bullshit going on in general too. what's a girl to do? all good though.

anyway, its been awhile.i changed computers a few months ago and didn't save any of my fav links. how have you been?

4:22 PM  

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