Not too cool for School...
I think I finally got my butt in school... registered and pending all my loans and such go through... I'm in... changed majors... going into Humanities, will parlay that into a career as a teacher eventually... will pursue a Masters in either Sociology, Urban Studies, or Education... but for now I just have desire for learning the material, so I will soak up all the knowledge I can get... The subject is very interesting... it delves into history, geography, world cultures, social sciences, philosophy, basically all subjects to a point, and gives you the relationships and applications when it comes to people and how all of these subjects impact the world and change the world/cultural/moral outlook from generation to generation, if that make sense to you. It does o me, an that's all that matters at this point.
So with my schooling re-starting I figured what I'd do is get my books early and start studying from now, Yes it two months in advance, but I haven't studied in 5 years for anything, so I need to create and master my study habits. Well really I never had study habits, probably why I'm in the situation I'm in now...
I've also taken full advantage of the courses Itunes offers from top universities. They are free and all audio. I chose to do/listen the courses Stanford has to offer. They have a lot of the classes I will need to graduate, so why not get a jump on the lessons before everyone else? I started listening to a few already and they have shown themselves to be quite interesting. So I'm well on my way...
I just pray my steps stay on the ordered path and my mind stays open and that I grasp everything put before me.
good luck & GOD BLESS!!!
by the way...thanks so much for this information!!! i had no clue that this was out's amazing how much learning is available for free if we just look for it. thanks again!!!
YEAH.... so where you going?m
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