Been trying to get my spritual life in order, I guess you can call it my resolution for 2007. I'm also going to spend more time with the family. Not just my immediate family, extended as well. I've been seen too little and less often by so many people in the past couple months, and have gotten cussed out because of it.
Spirit wise: I'm starting a new chapter in my life... motherhood... and If I didn't reach out to God before, now would be the most appropriate time... not that I'm sometime-ish with God, maybe sometime-ish with church, but not God. I say prayers all day. But I realized a long time ago if i start my day with God, the day tends to go smoothly. And if a bump arises it disapates quite easily without cause for discord or extreme emotional shifts. So I'm taking a few minutes each morning to prepare myself for the day with God. There are songs I listen to, and books that I read that get my mind in tune with God. So this year I will continue that every morning. With the birth of my child only 9 weeks away (Amen praise God!!!) I feel I need to be spritually cleansed and ready to accept this gift and the responsibility. I am not afraid, because I know all that I have been through with my pregnancy, this is just the next step in that journey.
Family: It's not that I've disappeared. Not that i've been selfish. I have been sick and I have been reclusive to a point, or maybe I should say homely. I love my family, immediate and extended, more than they know. But this year I will make a sincere effort to keep in touch more often. Send cards and emails, and pics and anything else to them. I enjoy being around my family, I like each one for my own reasons. Now it's time to appreciate them more.
2007 is going to be a busy year, but discipline will help me keep these two resolutions.
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