Friday, December 22, 2006

People Steal People

You know sometimes when you here something it sticks with you, and later in life you can apply the statement, even in a way it was not meant to be applied, yet its profound?

My cousin told me a story once about one of her visits to the grocery store. She said there was a little girl roaming around with no adult. A woman, the girls mother comes over and scolds the girl saying " What have I told you about walking away from me? Don't you know people steal people?"

At first it was funny to us. We used to joke about it all the time. But recently my mind took it the statement to another level.

People really do steal people, literally and figurativly. Child predators steal the very soul of the children they assault. Never realizing their urges cause the children to never become the full beings they were meant to be.The child never really regains their full self, they are destined to become only some semblence of their higher selves.

In recent years I have noticed that more and more people are willing to speak about their abuse, as a means of freeing themselves and helping other find the courage to do so as well. many talk shows have survivors on sharing their experiences. Oprah was the first to actually have a convicted predator as a guest. Many stars/celebs have come forward too lately, men and women... It is courageous and freeing, but it also shows the world how prevalent the abuse is.

I was 21 before i said anything out loud to anyone about my experience. Called my cousin up at 3am to tell her, only to have her say the same person that violated me did the same to her. It was a silence filled convo of complete shock and worry. We both wanted to know, if he could get to us, he could have had access to so many other people in our family immediate and extended.

She and I discussed our issues with what happened and the long lasting effects/affects of the abuse. It was a hard convo to have, but we both needed to have it at that moment. And from that day on I was free to be me. I felt like a burden had been lifted. I found it easier to talk about.Easier to be in my own skin...

It's a hard subject to speak about, but talking about it, frees you in a way you couldn't have imagined. But if you aren't ready to talk, don't feel obliged to. In due time you will, and maybe you wont. If you don't ever gain the courage to speak about it out loud, at least aknowledge it to yourself. But also tell yourself it wasn't your fault. That makes difference...


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