Monday, June 27, 2005


I've been on a steady grind for the lasst couple of weeks... Got my 9-5 work then I come home and do my own projects (screenplays, poems), then work on my biz stuff. 24 hrs in a day arent enough, there is always something else I can do, someone else I can speak too, someone else I can email, another website to check.... I feel like the work will always be there. I'm tired as hell, never get to bed before 1am. I wake up at 7:30ish, but my day is non stop. I want the biz to suceed, I have great expectatons for our success. I see it working, thriving and being around for a while.... so I am diligent in my research and in my efforts for this to work.

I sit back and wonder if I'm working too hard or if I'm not working hard enough. it scares me to think of all the things I could be doing, and have just missed the mark, so I work daily. Putting things together, making phone calls sending emails and doing what ever else needs to done.

Work ethic means a lot to me, mine and others. I maintain mine in almost all I do. Working out is my only downfall as far as work ethic is concerned, but I really dont have the time. i have to start making time.

I need a nap... but if I'm asleep will my big break come and leave me?


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