Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I want to say this to the President....

Dear Dumbass,

I've watched you come on TV and pretend to care, pretend to be patriotic, pretend to be a man of great wisdom and try you quell the pains of this tragedy. Too bad your first TV appearance took three to four days to occur. Too bad it took you four days to step foot in the region. No, you were too good to step down and get your feet dirty to see what the situation really entailed, oh no for you a fly over or two was all that it required. You have the most power of any human being on earth, and yet you could do nothing for these people for four days. In those four days probably 1000 people died or became gravely ill waiting for you to say when so government entities could react and do something. It's a damn shame you haven't been more involved with the decision making in this crisis, whats more shameful is, you haven't lent a hand to any organizations, and I mean literally a hand, you haven't done a damn thing. You havent lifted a box, a cot, nothing you just say you a proud of those who have.

You are safe and warm and in good health, laid up in the White House while the people who put you in office die daily, wondering why the hell they voted for you in the first place. You are a very ignorant man. More over you are heartless. I didn't vote for you, hell I've never voted and you've proven in this crisis why I chose not to vote. You are the worst man for this job, the absolute worst. You are a punk no less, and truly you are your father's son.

Finding the man and "de-throning" the man who tried to kill your father has been your mission from day one. You came in with that agenda and you stuck to your guns, literally. Did it make you feel good to know you killed almost a million people, in to different countries in the pursuit of that agenda?

You say Bin-Laden is the the only agenda now, why? Bin-Laden has a grieveance with the USA, deal with it politically, try to be diplomatic. The whole "eye-for an-eye" theory, is not only archaic, but just plain stupid. " You can't bring a knife to a gun fight" right? But thanks to you the amount of US servicemen/women that have died will/has surpassed the Vietnam War/Occupation. And that occupation lasted ten years. You are doing a great job. What's a few lives lost to prove a point, right? We have a few billion people in this country, a few hundred-thousand lives lost means nothing.

My brother joined the military as means to gain discipline. Now you may send him to Iraq. He is a non-combat member of the Army. That means nothing because I can guarantee you will make him pick up a gun regardless if he gets sent. If my brother gets hurt, you will have more than you bargained for to deal with. Yes that is a threat, one that can and will be backed up. If you decide to send agents to my house, please tell them it's the door on the side of the building. And tell them to knock twice.

People ask me why I don't consider myself an American. My parents are immigrants, so that means I am part of the first generation born in this country. Too bad beacause I never claim that on anything except when the govenment asks me if was born here. I stopped saying the "Pledge of Alligence" in the third grade. I refuse to stand upon the singing/playing of the National Anthem. I do not support any war, or any taking of lives for political gain, or as punishment of a crime. Only in self defense should a life be taken. I find myself laughing in disbelief at the stupidity you demonstrate on a daily basis. You are a prime example why I will never be a "Proud American" (isn't that and oxy-moron).

The Chief Justice passed away this weekend. Funny how you looked over the two people on the court who have been there through all of your blunders. They too are conservative, they believe in what you believe in. Only thing that kept them out..... skin color. Lie, to me and say that isn't the reason. A black Chief Justice.... An Italian Cheif Justice... Yeah right!

Ok, I'm sick of writing now, you know your intellegence limitations, and no I dont mean the office of intellence, I mean your mental capacity. The people are only as good as its leader, so that means they are bigger idiots than before. So thanks again for you constant mediocraty, your malice, your unchanging unwaivering callousness to all who oppose you and your agenda. You give me more and more reasons to disparage your sagacity daily.

Good Job Dumbass....

Thanks for your attention to these materials, and should you invite me to the White House, I'll decline now. You can meet me in Brooklyn, where you have a lot if disgruntled citizens. I'd bring back-up if you decide to come. And don't wear a suit or come in a fleet of black cars and limo's, you'll just get clipped faster. Try to blend in. LMAO....


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