the day after death
I found myself waiting to hear your footsteps in the kitchen
see your face pop into the room
I stood in the doorway of the kitchen
waiting to hear you reading your Bible
but you weren't there, and I didn't hear you
You are my other mother from another bloodline
but that never mattered to us
you were there for me when ever I needed you
we talked at least once a week, just to say hello
see how you were feeling, what I was up to
I prayed my hardest when I heard you were in the hospital
even harder when the stroke came
I spent a day beating myelf up, because I thought I didn't pray hard enough
and when I heard you were gone, my heart broke
broke for you, your daughters and my other daddy too
but no tears came
I ran errands, cleaned, made the house more homey for all came to pay their respects
I tried to prepare myself for this everyday before
but nothing could prepare me to bury you
I cried at your wake
Thought I could hold it together
But I saw your casket and I couldn't deal
Saw you family walk behind your body, and it tore me inside literally
I tried to br strong I swear, but how could I see you like this
How can this be my last image of you
I listened to everyone after speak of you
how beautiful a person you are
how they loved you so much
I nodded and smiled, I knew this to be true first hand
The next day at your burial, I said my goodbyes
" and so we part ways, for a time"
did you hear me
I walked away finally realizing it was real, it was permanent
I didn't want to remember you this way
I sat in the car remembering your smile
how you used to dance on the good foot
the way you would make me curry goat cause you knew I was coming over
The way you would try to protect me from the world as if I was your own
I remember you, you are apart of my life forever
my children will know your name, and what you've done for me
i love you mommy, see you on the other side....
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