Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I'm tired, literally and figuratively!

Spent like three hours working on a screenplay I should have finished since June, I'm so behind. I haven't even gotten it all typed yet, most of it is still in notebooks! I'm so scatter brained when it comes to writing them out...

I actually got offered representation for my writing. Decided to be proactive about my writing and got a call back from an agency!


So the real work has begun. Editing, creating contracts, meetings here and there, agents, managers, and Hollywood attitudes.... not what I thought it would be, but happy nonetheless.

Now I have to be on my grind more than ever.... Pray for me... Procrastination and me are real tight! But now that I have people wanting to put LOTS of money into my work, I cant mess around, I'll owe them money if I keep it up!

Tangent: Why do people walk out of the house in wrinkled clothes? Me, yeah I make sure my pajama arrent wrinkled much less clothes I wear in the street. I see people every morning, just looking like they pulled their clothes out of a friggin hamper, and thought it was ok. That's one of my peeves in life... wrinkled clothes... no good!

I'm also tired because I've been expending a lot of energy toward some people in my life. Trying to stand tough and tall for them. It's a thankless job, sometimes, but I do it out of love.

I always wonder though, who's gonna do it for me, or if someone will?


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