Truth Is...
Honestly honesty is a two edged sword!
--It has the power to heal and the power to do harm.
Sometimes it heals wounds, but in that same healing a new wound is created because the scab of falsehoods is finally picked at enough to open a wound and expose the fallicies that we choose to ignore.
--It has the power to bring clarity and confuse all at the same time.
It helps you see the truth, but if you arent open to the truth, you become confused about what it menas and what the next step should be.
--It has the power to help you grow, but it can also chop you down.
Truth helps you grow in all ways, but sometimes when we realize that the truth we've believed for so long, is just a twisted version of the real truth, we fall back down and have to start growth from the beginning.
I have been truthful with a few people over the last couple of months and I realize that the truth hurts. Some people arent ready to hear the truth, arent ready to receive the truth, and then resent the messenger.
But why would I contribute to your fallicies and further perpetrate your fraud? Why would I help you to stay in the dark? Shouldn't I help you get to the light, get to the truth? Isn't it my duty as a friend, lover, sister, child (etc) to help you? I can only show you the truth, you have to come to accept the truth on your own. You have to find your own truth at times, but I cannot support you in calling a lie the truth, because that's how you see it. I can support your effort to find the truth only. If ask me for help, know that my help means being completely honest, with yourself and with me! I know when your not being truthful with me or yourself, your speech and diction will tell on you all the time. You cannot achieve change or enlightenment if you continue to lie to yourself.
Why do people say they want the truth, but when they get it, they cant handle it? Become pissed and resentful? The truth is the truth always! The lies you tell yourself change with every situation? Why go through the trouble of changing the lie to fit the situation, the truth applies to every situation always, why not chose that?
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