Thursday, February 22, 2007

Channel Surfing... again...

I saw two interesting programs on TV this week...

I flipped through and landed on PBS the other night and saw a documentary called:

Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes,” by director Byron Hurt, examines musical portraits of sexism, masculinity and homophobia in hip-hop songs. The film includes interviews with hip-hop artists Mos Def and Busta Rhymes.

There were some real issues dealt with, some were skimmed over, some were just never discussed. I would have loved to see the documentary go deeeper... but if it's on in your town, check it out...

Last night while flipping through I landed on TLC, it was a show called "That's Gotta Hurt" There were a few medical mysteries discussed. The one that struck me was about a young pregnant woman. Basically what happened is: she had been having severe pain wit her pregnancy, and had been going to the doctors and they could give no help. late into the pregnancy it was discovered that the baby she had been carrying was growing on the outside of her uterus. It it a rare type of ectopic pregnancy. it is so rare that there are only 5 babies in the world that have survived the pregnancy, including hers. But with the baby growing the abdominal cavity it causes damage to all of the mothers organs and irreversable damage to the uterus. The baby was born with clubbed feet and damaged hip bones, but no other health complications. it was fascinating to say the least.


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