Friday, February 16, 2007

Well well well... the count down to Baby Drop begins... technically I have four weeks... probably wont make it to four weeks... my office bet is Sunday she'll decide to come, only because its a full moon and it's my b-day... I spoke with my child last night, my birthday is to remain my birthday only. She can have all the other 364 days, I just need this one to myself. Selfish I know, but I gotta be me... Birthdays are special to me. It was my day. I could do what I wanted (within reason), I got to eat what I wanted, sleep as late as I wanted... just do me basically. And I've had my b-day that way as far back as I can remember...

So I just want that one day, or at least the majority of that day to enjoy all to myself... Please? can I have it?


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