Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Spanking your kids

Hitting Bottom: Why America should outlaw spanking.By Emily Bazelon

Hey my personal feelings about spanking are two sided. For me spanking was a way of punishment as a child. I got my fair and unfair share of the belt, hand, slipper, and whatever was at hand. But I always said I wouldn't spank my children, at least until I got old enough to understand certain things about being a parent/caretaker. Some kids need it, some kids more than deserve it, but some only need a stern word or two and they will shape up. But if you have more than one child you can't just hit one and not the other. it has to be universal treatment...

I was a child that didn't need spanking, but I had to get what the others got. I hated being yelled at, being talked to sternly, made me cry. My mother's evil eye struck fear in my heart.

But spanking is in some cases a necessary evil... I'm not a fan of yelling, screaming, or arguing, nor am I one that strikes children... so this should be interesting when my child gets to the age of needing discipline... pray for me...


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