So I’m back on the grind… my surgery went well, a little puffy and achy but cool none the less… had a wack meeting this morning… same old same old… but I did hear from my manager that the little incident last week didn’t end with the meeting I was in. there was a meeting following with just her and the managers where they told her that her behavior is/was unacceptable, and that it wasn’t taken lightly. They told her that I am not the one to try her management skills on, and that she shouldn’t have tried to walk over me in the first place. As it turns out I have more managerial experience than her and I know policies better than she thinks and that she should be thankful that I didn’t take it to Hr because she would have been fired. Funny how things work themselves out… and my desk was clear when I came in this morning, meaning I do my work fools…
… I spoke to my friend this week via IM and she doing well, just graduated and decided to go back to school, I say good deal anything to avoid the real world is cool…
Doing some business stuff, got some connects in high places, so keeping it moving….
Bored now…
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