It's funny to me how people assume because of my age, or the way I look, or the fact that I dont have a degree, that I may be behind on the issues of our time, or simply that I don't know anything about anything. I love being the one to prove them wrong. I have a woman in my office that swears she is the know it all of all. She believe's that since I've only been here for one year that am unaware of procedures and how our accounting system works. i recently had to prove her wrong in front of our supervisors, it was hilarious to me. She didn't know that I knew how to do a particular application in our system, much less how to access it. The truth is I've known for months and I just never told anyone. Boredom has a way of making you discover things you wouldnt have otherwise. But as she was dictating to me how to do the application, I cut her off. Corrected her and showed her how to do it in a more efficient way. She stood with her mouth open and huffed and puffed for the next few days. I laughed and laughed.
First of all please assume nothing about me. You don't know what I know uless you ask. And please ask the question you want answered, because I'll answer according to your wording. It's annoying to some people, but it has been a way to make people say and ask what they mean to rather than trying to cover it up with BS. Please ask me if I know before you assume I do not. Quietness is kept, yeah thats my motto. I know how to do a plethera of things, I am well versed and I can speak in any circle, from dudes that hang out on my corner to CEO's too.
I like being a chamelion of sorts. It has made me learn to adapt and become apart of any environment without sticking it too much. I stick out already cause I'm black, young and a woman. But my academic prowess is beyond my years and i understand that. but I also know that even though it may be used as a weapon it is a double edged sword, I cant be too cocky, I have to maintain sometimes, appear aloof in order to appease the hierarchy. It keeps them at bay, keeps them from being able to use your intellegence for their gains.
The 48 Laws of Power has taught me so much. The book does require some cunning manuvers. Some coups of intellegence and power but it works in some siuations. I'm reading it very slowly so that I understand the words and the anecdotes and find ways of incorporating what they say. I'm do a lot of the techniques required to succeed already in my everyday life so this is review for me right now.
I know this sounds cocky, but it's not meant that way. I know I am intelligent and I am here for a reason, I have been given this mind and heart for a reason. So I'm just letting people know I got it, I am a force to reckon with. This is a warning... I'm coming to win, and I aint stopping til I do!!!!
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