Monday, November 14, 2005

Another Lazy Day Alone

Yesterday, was a lonely day for me. You know how you have those people you speak to everyday, and the one day you dont speak to them nothing goes right? Nothing feels right? That was yesterday for me.

Spent the day wishing to be in the arms of someone, just spending a lazy day. Watching TV, playing video games, just doing us. Acting a complete fool, walking around in my draws kinda day. I wish I had the day to share with my special "him". But he wasn't there. I wish he was though.

Got me thinking about getaway adventures with him, seeing things I never saw. Like going to the mid-west, like hitting an island, going away for a few days, not telling anyone where we are on purpose, no distraction, nothing but us enjoying us.

The one emotion I am uncomfortable with (actually two, well maybe they are the same), is missing someone, yearning for someone. That feeling makes you sick to your heart, especially if time and space arent on your side. It makes me withdraw from the world, makes me feel alone. I feel alone because "he" is the one person in the world i want with me right now. "He" makes all the problems I have not seem so big. When I'm around "him" I am whole and serene. Whole not because he filled a void, whole because I am completely me.

So "him" if you're reading this, you'll know who you are, maybe because you feel the same. Maybe you wanted to write this too, maybe just maybe you want me too....


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