Out da woodwork....
I don't know what it is, I don't know why but my ex's are coming to get me... Sometimes it feels like they call each other plan to all call me within days of each other. Maybe I'm being paranoid, who cares, this ish is crazy. In the last 7 days I have heard from about 4 ex's.
That's eerie to me. Like they know I'm feeling somebody else. I mean I'm trying to go as slowly as humanly possible with the new "him", he and I aren't even a we, just cool peoples. And the ex's have "spidey senses" and just popped up...
Damn, I don't know what to do. I mean we are all friends and such, call for b-days and holidays, and when really important stuff happens, but 5 times a year tops. This calling and leaving messages and calling again stuff is weird too...
Then they all ask: "Are you seeing anyone?" Do you really want the answer dog? I hope not cause I aint comfortable giving it.
Well in talking to the last ex I found out like 5/6 people I went to high school with are "smokin that slave"... crack heads basically... That's nuts to me. They were the cool people, down to earth folks, and they puffin and snortin that white devil... I feel bad for them, truly I do.
One especially, she was like my lil sis, but time and school and space separated us. Her brother died while we were in school (R.I.P G, God bless the dead), and she changed. Started acting out, hanging with the Niggaz ( I know I shouldn't use that word, but you gotta call a spade a spade), and just barely making it. Now to hear this, breaks my heart.
I'll check for her when I go home for the holidays. Definitely.
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