Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I heard there were approximately 6 billion people in the world
no wonder I can't find my true love
I've had a better luck at finding Waldo
6 billion... I never really had a chance huh?
I heard there were six degrees of separation for everyone to everyone
funny how all of my degrees haven't lead me to him...
I heard that 6% of people say they've found their soulmate
well good for them, us the other 94% applaud your good fortune
and curse you for the same behind your back...
I've shared my bed with 6 men
too bad none of them thought 6 months into it
it would last
damn my good good must be nice...
every 6 months the hope of new love shows up
6 months later, alone
I'm standing 6 feet from the edge
654321, now only six feet down and the search will end then...
waiting for the seventh sign
before i close the door to all the possibilities,
and die from heart ache, heart break, lack of heart felt love
still pacing, looking over the edge
deciding whether to drop the charade
and lay in wait
writing my epitaph
"she looked for love, he decided otherwise"
still waiting, still hoping... for now


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