Friday, December 30, 2005

What A Day! what a day, what a day....

This morning I laughed my ass off in the shower... for some reason I remembered my prom night... and how my date ( he became my boyfriend that night) tried to sing some R. Kelly to me. ...and he was serious! Now he couldn't sing a lick, but I thought it was sweet, and I giggled like a lil girl... The whole story behind prom was funny... he asked my older brother if he could ask me to prom, then asked me. So I came home all giddy to tell my bro, and instead of him saying congrats, he says, "I know already". Then he told me how my date asked him "man 2 man" cause they were friends too. That night changed my life, in so many ways....

I laughed, and I really needed one this morning...

Lunchtime I see my ex kissing a next chick at the corner... like some ole "Sex In The City" moment... I laughed, but it stung a lil to actually see it, to know it is one thing, not like I haven't moved on myself, I just have never been witness to the new chick... She was pretty. So I wish him luck. He deserves happiness, even if it wasn't with me...

Just wondering why I'm not kissing anyone?...I should be, hell I'm cute!

Any single brothers out there?....LMAO... just playing....


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