Friday, February 03, 2006

It's funny how warped our perception of what being in love feels like and looks like... what's worse is the many people who don't recognize it, and miss out on it...

I was one of those that thought being in love was like walking on cloud nine, a constant state of nirvana. I recognized the falling in love part, but missed the actual being in love part. I was still waiting to feel the utopia effect, and when I didn't, I thought it was all wrong. I didn't realize I was really in love until it was all taken away from me. I didn't know or recognize the feeling as being in love.

It took me 24 years to fall in love and when it finally happened I was unaware it had. I think that was the part the hurt the most. But then again it may be that I did recognize it subconsciously, and my fears took over and didn't allow me to make a conscious effort to keep it or an open mind to accept it.

But I've recognized and accepted it now...

I figured out I was in love because when I prayed about love, my mind immediately went to him right after "Amen". I was praying to find the man that God had in mind for me. For me to recognize him. And each prayer ended with him on my mind. When I would envision my future, he'd be my partner in it all. My future didn't look/feel right without him in it. It was frustrating and confusing. And all too hard to deal with. But I continued to pray and accept all that was being showed to me.

I know for me being love has opened me to so much. My mind is clearer, and my mind state has changed. I realized that inside there were parts of myself that I hadn't explored, parts of my emotions that hadn't been allowed to express themselves. But I know now how, why and when to do so.

It is a beautiful thing though. But not that TV in love crap...

I am in love... Blessings and Honor to God for allowing me to experience this feeling... A blessing it truly is to feel it, to see it, to recognize it in his eyes as well...


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