my brother is in town, and messing up my apartment... he is a slob... to the max!!!!
Um, no other news of note.... except for the constant ish at the j-o-b! the chink went to China, her mother is sick. She'll be gone for two weeks. I question that, how do you know how long someone will be sick in order to care for them and leave?
The adult's that I work with, the managment team, argued amonst themselves again as to who was going to tell me she'll be out for two weeks. The good manager told me two days ago and the other two just said things in passing like "oh she'll be out tomorrow".... am i disgusted---HELL YEAH I AM!!!! I cant take being here anymore. I've been interviewing and such, but nothing of importance has panned out. Like I've said before I'm just surviving here, I need to be able to live and enjoy life a lil more with a new job and more money.
I finally said out loud that I hate my job, been playing save face and such when talking about it. And as soon as I said it I started having panic/anxiety attacks when ever I thought about work, got up to go to work, had work to do aat home from work, I couldnt sleep or eat or anything. I was crazy!
I joined a gym, NYSC. I was a mamber at the Y but there were too many people who enjoyed the cheap facility and membership fees. I shouldnt have to wait 30 min to get on one of the three treadmills. So I switched over. It's more money but I can go to any of their facilities in the US and I have peace of mind knowing I can get a quality workout when ever I want. Yeah... Get Buff!!!!