Wednesday, August 31, 2005


my brother is in town, and messing up my apartment... he is a slob... to the max!!!!

Um, no other news of note.... except for the constant ish at the j-o-b! the chink went to China, her mother is sick. She'll be gone for two weeks. I question that, how do you know how long someone will be sick in order to care for them and leave?

The adult's that I work with, the managment team, argued amonst themselves again as to who was going to tell me she'll be out for two weeks. The good manager told me two days ago and the other two just said things in passing like "oh she'll be out tomorrow".... am i disgusted---HELL YEAH I AM!!!! I cant take being here anymore. I've been interviewing and such, but nothing of importance has panned out. Like I've said before I'm just surviving here, I need to be able to live and enjoy life a lil more with a new job and more money.

I finally said out loud that I hate my job, been playing save face and such when talking about it. And as soon as I said it I started having panic/anxiety attacks when ever I thought about work, got up to go to work, had work to do aat home from work, I couldnt sleep or eat or anything. I was crazy!

I joined a gym, NYSC. I was a mamber at the Y but there were too many people who enjoyed the cheap facility and membership fees. I shouldnt have to wait 30 min to get on one of the three treadmills. So I switched over. It's more money but I can go to any of their facilities in the US and I have peace of mind knowing I can get a quality workout when ever I want. Yeah... Get Buff!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2005


I once heard that love comes into its own, in its own time. You cant hurry love, so am I trying to hurry the love I have and make it progress faster because I yearn for that kind of love? Should I have had the patience and waitied for the other brother who had my heart to finally get his ish together? Or am I supposed to be where I am? it is all too confusing, all too hard to deal with and I need a sedative sometimes to quite the argument my heart mind body and soul have on a constant basis when it comes to the subject of love....

love is a crazy game people play but I dont think anyone really wins at love because we dont live forever so heart ache and heart break are inevitable......

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

So little time...

I have so many things in the works right now, I'm losing time trying to figure out which to work on first instead of just working... I have a creative drive in me that cannot be explained. Funny thiong is I have a kindred spirit who feels that creative bug the same as I. funnier yet is the fact that we are on the same wave length is amazing, scary, and limitless. Jamila and I are going to do some damage and be infamous/famous for it. We are willing to break the mold and be more and do more than the average. We are above the mundane and the already been done ish in the world. I got a good feeling in my bones and we can make it happen. No stoppin the progress. Holla at me man... We makin it happen, and I'm hype.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


so I hear that someone I associate with business wise has been making phone calls and involving herself in things that she shouldnt as if she is completely down with my company. Now i'm pissed because the shit that is coming out her mouth makes me look bad. I hate it when people walk around attaching themselves to things I do and then attaching my name to their thoughts and opinions. I am pissed because she mis-represented me, my business partner, my business and my good standing with a client. The relationship we have with our client is complex because basically what we do is pick up the slack in a few areas so that she concentrates on more important stuff. But the next chick wants exclusivityand signed contracts for favors and that is not what we are about. we are compensated for the work we do with everyone we work with. We just dont have exclusive rights to them or what they do.

Our company is based on the theory of net working.... "When I make it we all make it" is the philosophy....

Mahogany Soul Entertainment. LLC

Who We Are:
* Music Junkies- meaning we are addicted to music, new, old. every and any kind of music...
* Music buffs- we know music because we listen to music, not only do we listen we hear the music...
* Poets- spoken word artists to be exact...
* Avid readers- we stay abreast of the changing market...

Now you know who we are...

Heres what we do:
We are trying to bring back real talent...
In a world that is so mainstream we want to bring back real music, real lyrics, that pure raw sound that comes from the soul.
We want to create an atmosphere that intertwines the right people and the right sound for and with everyone we work with.
We are creating outlets for this sound so that those people who crave true art can hear, feel, taste and be apart of this movement.
We are currently building our clientele base... So if you are an artist, musician, producer, and/or writer that has a desire to create heartfelt music, please contact us by sending a note, we`ll go from there...

Official site: October 1st...

It's not that hard people... We just try to put people in contact with the people that can move them to the next level... basically we have a little black book of names, direct numbers of website designers, producers, artists, engineers, recording facilities, photographers, graphic artists, managers, booking agents, lawyers, bodyguards, set designers, stylists, visual artists, poets, lounges, open mics, show cases, studio musicians, bands, street teams, clothing lines, and a host of sponsors....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

hey hey hey...

Well its been a minute once again... needed some time to breathe... did a lil writing, a lil cooking, a lil resting and allowing my life to get back to normal. I decided to get my biz website up and running, went the easy route though, bought the template just had to fill in the blanks. I was talking to a friend and told her that I ws trying to get Kia (the artist i work with) on at SOB's. I had sent them 2 packets previously and really hadn't heard too much back. She said shhe wold make some calls on my behalf. she left messages for people, but the guy from SOB's called me first. So ladies and getns KIA EL-AMIN is performing @ SOB's October 26, 2005, let people know gotta make it a good turn out for her....