Been changing... my way of thinking, my way of action, just changing me...
All the things I should have told myself I'll share with you
maybe I was too young to know better
but no one told me the truth
would have saved five year old me alot of pain
but I'll impart my retrospect wisdom your way
Like gramma used to tell me
"Never sleep with shoes under the bed"
claimed it gave you nightmares
funny thing is my nightmares came all day long
in and out of the bed
and I rarely slept with shoes under the bed
I'll hold you till the nightmares go away promise
always told I was cute
didn't learn that I had to see me as beautiful first
until I had to face myself in the mirror
but I'll tell you everyday I swear
never wanted to give myself to anyone
I wanted to have all parts of me always
but I gave away pieces of myself
by accident, on purpose, sometimes unaware
had people staining the glass
stopped being able to see me
stopped the right one from seeing into me too
but I'll tell you hold on the every part of you
until the Worthy one makes himself known
and dont believe that shit about them all being worthy
Worthy One knows your/his worth and grows for having met you
Find a balance
learn when to run and when to walk
cry when necessary, but cry inside sometimes
sleep until you wake, stay awake until you sleep
dream, literally and figuratively
Some of this I'll have to learn...again
some of this I'll learn from you
we'll teach each other
We all we got...